Sunday, September 22

End of my 2018

Assalamualaikum and hi

Actually im writing this during my study week. I know I should be study or complete my case review but yeah tah kenapa tetiba rasa nak menulis. I just notice that this is my first entry for 2018 and it's in December. Serious rasa macam baru semalam post last entry. Cepatnya masa berlalu ☹️
Welll honestly aku tak prepare apa apa untuk final plus takut wehh 😮tapi tu la. haih

Ok la. First of all i would like to say thank you for those yang sudi plus setia membaca blog aku yang dah berhabuk ni. You know what, you are my real homies do because even my friends pun tak tahu aku tulis blog hahahahaha. so through my ups and down yang aku tulis kat blog ni, you guys will know and promise me that all of the story in this blog just keep it to yourself tau. and for those yang mengenali aku in person, please text me "wei anis, aku baca blog kau do" so that I know.

Okay so, 2018 eh. Honestly, 2018 was so fun. I finished my foundation studies and then degree life. Full with tears and joy tapi banyak joy lagi.Walaupun banyak masalah yang berlaku, but Im blessed.Quoted from one of my friend, she said that:

"Kau tahu tak anis, kau kuat do. and kau tahu tak sebab apa kau still kuat and act like nothing happen when actually kau sakit? tu sebab kau still ada orang yang selalu support kau dari belakang. and it is the person who love you the most"
Fuhhh, main air mata beb.

Bila dia cakap macamtu, aku mula terbayang muka-muka yang selalu ada waktu aku sedih. Yang selalu ada waktu aku rasa semua orang tak kisah pasal aku, and bila aku push all of the people away but they still reaching out for me.

Wednesday, November 29

Make Your Own Takoyaki

Assalamualaikum and hi

So yesterday i went to Sushi King Jaya One Seksyen 13 if im not mistaken la. With my manusia manusia iaitu najla dan husna. Mulanya kisah nak ke sushi king ni pasai najla la dok tengok ada make your own takoyaki dekat twitter tu. Katanya dekat sushi king jaya one. So kami terpengaruh kami pun pi la sana. Aku pun memang lately asyik craving sushi dengan japanese curry jeee. So alang alang tu menapak la kesana

Gambar kat atas tu bahan bahan yang diorang bagi untuk kitorang buat. Batter tu actually muat muat untuk the whole 7 pieces takoyaki tapi kitorang nak buat kecik kecik and sikit sikit so we pur the batter tu sikit but suddenly akak sushi king tu datang and just pour the whole batter and kitorang semua macam
"weyh pebenda do dah nama pun make your own takoyaki asal dia nak menyibuk"
haha but then biarlah benda dah terjadi. So, I present to you our chef for yesterday.... *drum roll*

So far okay la sebab chef kita ni pakar okayyy. Selalu buat kat rumah takoyaki ni. Buat benda ni celah gigi dia je hahaks. So this is our finish product, quite nice but rasa dia bagi aku, pasar malam punya lagi sedap okay serious tak tipu. Cuma, for the experience nak masak bendalah ni, cukup bermakna bagi kami yang jakun ni. 

Yang ni pulak, sushi egg roll and japanese curry with chicken. We eat sushi first and then takoyaki lepastu baru curry so bila nak makan curry tu rasa macam Masha Allah kenyang gila wei. Ok so ni curry and sushi
Left: Mine Right: Husna's

So far, we enjoyed eating here in sushi king but for me theres no more takoyaki and japanese curry. Kalau nak pergi lagi, nak makan sushi gerak gerak tu je la haha kenyang jugak kan. Actually first time pergi sushi was in october a few days after raya haji with nadiatul. And it was quite nice because i only eat bento and matcha ice cream. So after this, aku kena order sikit sikit je so that tiada pembaziran berlaku hehe.

Last but not least, if you guys nak datang sini, just google sushi king seksyen 13. (its either 13 or 14 im not sure but near to jaya one)
If tersesat, can ask people or guards kat sana. Pj people nice. Or if you dont want to sesat, can ask me to join you also hahahahaha okay enjoy la post ni and byee.