Friday, November 3

Semester 1

Assalamualaikum and hi semua.

Post ni sebenarnya nak cerita pasal hidup aku in semester 1. Aku baru nak update sebab laptop aku tak boleh connect wifi rumah lol and this time i use ummi's laptop and wifi uia of course. And basically sebab aku bosan haha

Ok so my life as  IIUM Student is actually fun. Walaupun aku rasa ada la jugak sejuta kali aku cakap
 "aku nak keluar uia weyhh" atau "ya Allah kenapa susah sangat ni" or "kenapa aku down sangat niiiii" and the list go on.

Well, being a foundation student is not easy (basically being a student itself is not easy la kannn. please, diploma, stpm,spm,pt3,upsr, even mid year exam for standard 1 is not easy also) tapi entah la mungkin dekat foundation ni lebih rasa mencabar bila semua disekeliling aku pandai pandai and aku selalu rasa macam kau ni bodohnya lahai.

Ya, I think I should appreciate myself more.
And the result for semester 1 dah keluar. The result was not really satisfying but yeah I guess its not really disappointing also. So tak tahu nak rasa apa but Al-hamdulillah for everything walaupun macam biasa la, all of my friends are in better result but me is a little bit low but yeah I shouldnt compare myself to others even when people compare me to others.

At first, aku ada bagitau mak ayah aku about my result and.. They said that my pointer is too low (maybe their expectation is too high i guess idk) but yeah even though they are my parent but I guess I know myself more maybe? Im not saying that they are not care about me but yeah....
Tipula kalau tak kecewa dengan diri sendiri.

But then, Abi personally pm me in whatsapp to congratulates me. Im a little bit happy la because you know. A simple "congrats" makes me happy.

So to end this post, aku nak belanja gambar sikit hehe
My english group member. Thank you semua sebab selalu tolong aku buat kerja and so on. I love this team.
Introduction to law section 302 ke 303 eh hahahahahha weh cepatnya nyanyuk. Section ni semuanya gempak gempak maybe ramai yang dean list kot? Apa apa pun tahniah semua. Had a really fun class with madam Rose.

Okay so ni antara gambar-gambar dalam semester 1. I really enjoyed semester 1 and looking forward to nangis nangis, mengamuk semua in semester 2. See u guys! ok cau 

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